Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Bridezilla Defined

According to the Webster's dictionary the following is a definition of BRIDEZILLA:Bridezilla\ bride-zil-a n 1 Horrific, bulging-eyed bride prone to screaming spells and spontaneous fits of hysterical rage. Bridezillas are known to drop blows over seating charts, get bug-eyed at the mere mention of carnations and view hurling champagne at their wedding planners as a form of hazing.

Not so, a lot of brides do not fit this definition as it is unfair to characterized them as such. It has been my experience that because of the very nature of the event, being one with extremely high emotions, many ladies go from one set of emotions to another. I call it PMS- Pre-Marital Syndrome.

As a retailer providing one of the most important part of the process – The bridal gown, I do find that most of the brides are quite open to suggestions. Although most have already made up their minds in terms of the kind of dress they want, they are fairly well behaved. There may have been a few who would try on all the dresses in the store and still have no idea of what they like but that is the exception.

I do enjoy sharing the experience with them and find that my job is easy as the occasion itself is one of joy and elation. If you think you are a Bridezilla, then try taking a few suggestions from me that will perhaps help you to diffuse the bomb you are building. Here goes:

1. If you are feeling too stressed, take a moment to walk away and find an activity that will help you alleviate the stress

2. After you have accomplished one task check off and move on to the next

3. Take your "real girlfriends" along to share in the experience of selecting the dress.

4 Remember, after selecting your dress, STOP looking!

6.This is your wedding and the only time (maybe) you get to have it your way-so go ahead and do just that.

7.If you are overwhelmed about the planning, hire (if your budget permits) a wedding planner- give them the headache- they love it!

8. Take one weekend off - no wedding talk or plans.

9. Be timely with your plans and you will have more time to relax.

10. This is not your mom's or anybody else's wedding so do not listen to the wedding horror stories- keep things positive

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