Friday, February 17, 2012

Are you THRIFTY? Here is how to make the most of a clearance SALE!

Clearance sales are great places for finding bargains. Most stores really do have authentic "mark downs" Retail shops are constantly receiving new inventory and therefore must move their stock around and out.
Here are 5 thrifty ways to do a CLEARANCE SALE 
  1.  Items that say "slightly imperfect" - The best place to find some "diamonds in the rough." 
  2. Significant reductions 50-75%  
  3.  Off season items - much cheaper than when they are current
  4.  Pieces that can coordinate with other pieces in your wardrobe -Many times you have an item sitting there waiting for a coordinating piece. At a sale you suddenly notice- OOPS,THERE IT IS!
  5.  Stuff you can use as gifts...hmmmm! (Christmas, birthdays, just because....etc..)